Ma nei sentieri non si torna indietroAltre ali fuggiranno dalle paglie della covaPerché lungo il perire dei tempiL’alba è nuova, è nuova. Sono versi del poeta sindacalista Rocco Scotellaro e sono incisi in una architettura a lui dedicata: un telaio spezzato, disegnato da un gruppo di progettisti milanesi, che incornicia la pianura dall’alto della rocca…
Autore: Antonino Saggio
Antonino Saggio (Rome 1955) is an Architect and Full Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at “Sapienza” Università di Roma. He has been for several years coordinator of the Ph.D. School in “Theory and Design” and director of the International book series “The It Revolution In Architecture”’ He has written several books among which one of the most important ones – ‘Architecture and Modernity: from Bauhaus to the IT Revolution’ – has also been edited in Albanian by POLIS University. Three main guidelines distinguish his work: first, the confidence in the concrete possibility of teaching architectural design through making its methods evident and transmissible. This approach has been tested with many students and graduands, with the members of nITro (New Information Technology Research Office), and with many assistants and collaborators that are currently teaching in foreign institutions such as POLIS University. The second fundamental aspect of Saggio’s work is the continuous interrelation between the critical historian moment and the design phase. Particularly, this research path permeated his intense critical activity and led to the birth of books regarding Giuseppe Terragni (published by Laterza), Giuseppe Pagano (published by Dedalo), Louis Sauer (published by Officina Edizioni), Peter Eisenman and Frank O. Gehry (published by Testo&Immagine). The third peculiarity of his work concern the belief of today’s catalyzing role of Information Technology in the definition of a proper ‘IT Revolution in Architecture.’ This topic has been part of his early teaching years at Carnegie Mellon-Pittsburgh and has continued at ETH Zürich and is currently part of his commitment at the Faculty of Architecture at “Sapienza.’ The book series ‘The IT Revolution In Architecture,’ founded by Saggio in 1998 and also edited in English by Birkhäuser, has been a focal point for the deepening of this topic and contributed to influence a whole generation of architects that are currently at the forefront of the international debate. Furthermore, the presence of IT also characterized critical urban projects for the city of Rome (Urban voids, Urban Green Line, Tevere Cavo, UNLost Territories) that link together the different historical and landscape peculiarities of the city that urgently needs for the development of new infrastructures within the urban fabric that can treasure the impact of the new IT possibilities.